Saturday, May 22, 2010

Stewart, Hyder, Bears & Bear Glacier (PHOTOS)

Joe is on his bike, out of frame to the right of the truck, The bear just ran into the woods on the left.
Looking upriver, to the east, along the Bear River. We are about 10 miles east of Stewart BC on 37A.

Looking at Bear Glacier from the NNE, east of Stewart, BC on 37A.

Large bear trap hanging on the wall of Captain Tony's in Hyder, Alaska.

Joe is on his bike, just out of frame right. I came around him with the truck to ward off the bear. Although, Joe will tell you that he fought it off, single handedly, while singing the ballad of Davey Crocket

A very large, curious and unafraid Black Bear.

I'm following Joe in the truck. This isn't as much to alert approaching motorists, as it is to get between Joe and any curious bears.

Joe goes for his daily bike ride along the Cassiar Hwy. His can of Bear Mace is strapped to the bike.

Bear Glacier, just east of Stewart, BC looking north from Hwy 37A

The Kamloops River in BC

One of the hundreds of rivers we have seen. I think this one is the Telkwa River, In BC

The beginning of Cassiar Hwy 37

Mountain peaks on the north side of Hwy 37A, heading into Stewart, BC

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